SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Webbed feet, swim for progress.
The wagon is god damn near done, and although I'm jealous of Colby's '83 AE poo wagon for $150, my TE pee wagon is pretty nice for a conversion to AE spec at a total cost so far of $100.
Adam, above, came over to help me wire it and has volenteered some future services as well.
Mike came by today, grabbed my...
Now For Something We Hope You'll Really Like.
I didn't have much to say about Cap D and no pictures of my own. I ended up overwhelmed with the excitement of flogging my own slag all over the track. First thing everyone needs to do is take a look of the amazing photos coming from Val Melnik The weather ran the gammut from hurrican winds and driving rain to gorgeous, track drying sun. The turn out was immense which made for long waits between runs but a lot different skill levels just out to have fun....
Colbskee is a West Coast Cat.
Colbskee of Dorikaze fame (lol) made the arduous trek from the barren plains of Saskatchewan to the Mountainous mysticism of B.C. He landed April 1st and has wasted no time in falling into the habits of the nerdowells of the Speed Hero crowd. Body fat ended up splattered all over my lawn yet again and the wagon started to get whipped into shape. He's on the hunt for a 4ag and 5 speed swap and has his eyes set on drift. That's two drift wagons on the...
Naked and Angry!
Zombi made an appearance at it's very first drift event this past Good Friday. I was happy with the 4ac open diff hilarity. I put it back to sleep Friday night and didn't take a look at it again until Monday, like an hour ago. Oh, how so much can change in so little time. Sometime Saturday or Sunday some douchebags thought it would be funny to go into my car, steal the remainder of our Speed Hero stickers, some vintage Bole sunglasses (Quinn is seriously choked). They...
Local Flava
Thanks to Justin Robert from Capital Drift for this rad video!