SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Rain Rain Drift Sun Rain Drift Wind Sign Drift Rain Rain Rain Cold Soaker Drift
There was drifting. I enjoyed it.
Here are some photo's of drifting. Thanks to Robin, Justin, Derek and Acacia for the donations and submissions.
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We all want a new life Part 3.
I have been meaning to make this post for a long time. I finally got together some film of the streets around here, but I also finally had the chance to drag the camera along with me while I took a walk. Please enjoy the photos of random sightings of cars along my walk to drop some food off for Robin at work. This walk is about 45 minutes from home to her store. I took a more creative route....This post is just to show one of...
Go AE101!
Speed Hero. Car Builder? Yes.
You know, we have always sort of been a car building service...in some way or another. Let's hope the future holds some more promise, better tools and improved skills. Videos games are a terrible thing. They have led me down a path of self destruction, dragging all those near me down as well. They were one of my original outlets to building cars, trying ideas and just having fun with vehicles in motion, after growing tired of just buying and assembling pre-designed cars in video games, I...
Down in the Ghetto....
So you buy a wagon for $50 with a blown 3TC. You live with NO money and you want to drop a motor in it? You grab the SR5 subframe sitting around back, jam it in and figure some shit out. Yes I re-used a photo. Anyways, story goes, bought a wagon for $50 bones, it sat at Ed's place for 6 weeks until he threatened to crush it. Fair enough. Called up the CAA (like AAA but Canadian Baconish) and had them tow it home. Turns...