SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Camera Dump
So somtimes there are left overs floating around my camera. Sometimes those left overs are interesting. This is one of those times? sort of.
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Bed Dancer come Back?
Earlier on in the Blog's life we had a post about a very famous and well known Bed Dancer by the name of "Alien Toy" Note: As Seen On Tv. Browsing around the interwebs today, I came across a thread... Apparently people are still building bed dancers. Pretty cool stuff! I thought Z racks were a thing of the past, but alas, everything comes round!
Not only that, but they are now...
Bitches like fly boys, fly boys like clutch kicks, clutches like soft soled shoes. Funky Circle of Drift Life. Yes, these are on sale, Yes they will help get the Speed Hero garage rolling sooner rather than later. Support in trade for style, seems fair! Speed Hero Clutch Kicks! Soft sole, lightweight, tight fitting shoe. Perfect to go begging for tires, playing girls for drinks at the bar and ballin' entries in blind corners. Plus there affordable since we all know the drift life. F*ck! You don't like them? Fully customizable! We've got plenty of other rad gear, click...
Entry Madness
Found these three vids on Driftworks forum. Madness is what's happening.
I'm not sure if you've read some of my older posts, but for those of you who have, those of you who will and those of you who will not, it's obvious I like utilitarian vehicles. Something happened. Some fool made a Calculator, TV, Radio, Tape player combination called a computer at some point. It changed the world when it ended up burning peoples laps at coffee shops out in the sun, looking at pictures of birds online that are sitting in the grass a few feet...