SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Goodbye Victoria, Thanks for all the fish.
Seriously though, we ate a lot of sushi, lots of it. I just want to say thanks for having me. It was destined to be an adventure from the start. I left Kitchener Ontario in a free tercel found on craiglists. Baldy summers tires, and a radio it made it all the way across canada in the dead of winter on a solid diet of oil. I was told numerous times I would die along the way, but here I am, ten toes, 11 fingers, two eyes and 4 egos. Ready to begin my next adventure. I have to say...
Become a Millionaire!
Days Soon to be Well Wasted
It's been quiet for a bit now with little to post. Waiting, lots of waiting, sorting out little small, fiddly bits of stuff. Paper work, waiting, more paperwork, waiting. Although much of it's not essential to the trip, the more I sort out before hand the better. I've become exceedingly nervous about the whole ordeal. Insane waves of emotion, one moment I'm capped with rage and anger towards myself for starting such an un-achievable project, and the next I'm compelled with impatience for it to begin. I do want it to start soon, and each day I grow closer to...
BTB, no droop. Updates
I will have no sag. No droop for this trip. The support has been beyond what I expected. Now on day #3 of the raffle and we've clicked past the 106 ticket mark of out 300 ticket goal. Seriously, that's amazing! I never knew raffling a car off, especially one such as this would bring so much love and cheer. I need to thank everyone, and to be honest a feeling hit me yesterday. I want them all to have Lemonade. A majority of the raffle supporters have been good friends. Some which I haven't heard from in a while,...
Lemonade Raffle: WTF am I doing with my life. FIY13SHVABTB
Seriously, I've lost my entire mind. Here's the deal. Starting now, right now, this moment, now then, the one just past when you read that, the Raffle is Active! $5 a ticket gets you into the drawing. EMT is fine (DiscoQuinn@gmail.com), cash in person is fine too. Draw date is January 23rd. A Wednesday! Where one lucky winner will be selected! Please, share this with your friends. Win a 'racing' car!