SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Eat Your Family
Mad Tyte Hard Racing Aktionz
Having conquored the local streets, Jason tries his hand at the dangerous underworld of Street Legal. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY5DFPW7-zU]
Sooke ma Duke
I'm not going to lie. I miss posting here. I'll resolve that with a post, so here we go. If you see "zombievrobot" as the poster it's not Discoquinn. In celebration of a certain celebrities 26th birthday, an innocent unsuspecting car was obtained. The first(ish) generation RX7 boasted the unmurderable 12a and mediocre styling (by my account). First thing inevitably being first, style happened. Saturday was spent making some minor adjustments to the mechanics and major adjustments to the swag. The only mandate being, there...
Circuit Soul, Act Like You Know
You know who and what Circuit Soul is, I'm sure. This is just a little pimping for his new online store.
If your car lacks a victory glove, it's only half a car. If you haven't encouraged friends to kill their local car thief, you're half a person.
Go here!
Tell him Speed Hero sent you. It wont get you a discount but we'll get the warm fuzzies, and isn't that good enough.
Momentum is a dangerous good, It's often dealt without warning and creeps in from the back corner. Growth is that hard guy smoking in school, leather jacket, cool but rough and unpredictable. If you know what your doing, if approached correctly, the momentum of growth can be harnessed for productive purposes, improvement. But like any thing, when you stack more weight on an object, we hope it can bear the increased load. The local scene is now conflicted, with the sudden increase in popularity there is a...