SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Random Japan Thing
I picked this information pamphlet up in Japan last year while visiting Mega Web The Crown Comfort is a model found all over Japan and used almost exclusively as taxi cabs. Thought some folks would enjoy the pics and information. Enjoy
Read the article
3 Generations
Suzuki has built some pretty Badass Pike's Peak cars over the years. From the Early days of their twin engine, 4wd Cultus. (Metro/Firefly/Swift). Followed by their most famous variation of the Escudo (Tracker/Sidekick/Sunrunner)
To their most recent, XL7. All Radical. Seriously, click that.
And if your new to Pikes peaks footage, then know your roots. Want to know more about...
Favorite Stage
I find all sorts of cool things everyday, but very rarely post worthy. It's not a whore blog with just pictures of cool things, but rather true content. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sLzJToL4fQ&NR=1]
Local Speed Heros: Warren
It's something I've been meaning to do for a long time now. Capture the great cars and people that I interact with everyday. Warren is a great example. I met Warren not long after landing in Victoria. James had already started taking snaps Warren's 86 and going on random adventures long before I showed up.
It's a bit embarrassing trying to write about someone you see fairly often, but since the first meeting Warren's led me out...
As the Crow Flies
Today was a weird one, yet a calming and enjoyable one. It reminded me of the early days of speed hero; I enjoyed it. The crow apparently represents potential, both in magic and creation. Recently, they've been following me. I'm not a spiritual fellow, and have some arguments about it, but I can't shake a few things: Jokes about the number 404, and crows in my path.
I'm a bit of a nut, I find it magical to...