SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Crawling Injured Soldier
Is really the way I see front wheel drive cars, but this isn't to say, I dislike them. I've had some great fun a front wheel drive car, both grip and sliding. However, with some experience doing both, I still prefer a RWD car. To be honest, I haven't been making posts lately because I felt most of my older informational posts weren't original content, but rather stubs of other articles. My post counts have been dropping dramatically, and my other fellow contributers have basically stopped themselves. Recently I've had some conversations with people while out having some fun. The...
Living Vicariously Through Wall Taps.
Some follow up pics of Sundays drift day. Great day, high spirits and the return of the Zombi in the hands of someone more capable.
California Area. STOLEN!
I don't know the guy myself but someone has run off with Cody Parkhouse's trailer containing his fully built red S13, equipment and spares. It's going to be hard to hide the trailer and car and everything else. He's from Cali so I assume that's where it's gone from. I'll post any details I can get. http://www.northwestnissans.com/board/showthread.php?t=118530 It's a fully enclosed white race trailer with the license plate 4AB2288 Spread the word.
One Man's Trash
Is another mans fun times. The base was fished from the trash, the seat a spare from the Time traveler Zombie FB. The steering extension tube from a blown up Corolla strut, and some random brackets to hold it all together. Thanks to Dan's neighbor for the U-clamp. Still fully adjustable!
I'm a Time Traveler. Seriously?
It appears so, recently in my trips back I brought home a brand new, in bag, in box, Nintendo Entertainment System, and as cool as that is, it's not the only thing I brought back....... Yes. I am. I traveled back in time. It was my first go, just don't forget the crystals. I brought back an NES, new in box, with all the original plastic bags, and instruction manuals. The machine looks as if it's never been used. I'm happy with my find.