SPEED HERO Blog — 240sx
Toga Party
With very few robes involved, we did do the drift party in the rain, sun and darkness. I'll admit James has surpassed me in awesome phototry. I tried my best, got some shots, as it was very different not being invovled in running the event, the Saratoga speedway event held by BentMafk was a success. The whole day went pretty smoothly, the only issue I had with the whole thing had nothing to do with the event, but rather the competitors. Being a long distance many...
Walk this Fragile Line
Rub a little vaseline on the lens, the blur makes any slag look like Traci Lords.
Someone was nice enough to leave this empty mountain lying around in the rain. Don't mind if we do.
I don't have much to say about this event other than I simply need to participate more.
See you guys on BC day. Drifting and show n' Shine! www.capitaldrift.ca
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D is for Destruction
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uo6KvMiRJiQ&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0] A short video showing what wiped out the top two competitors of the event. May not be suitable for younger viewers.