SPEED HERO Blog — Local Speed Heros
We got out of the house!
Matt, Joel and I got out of the house and wandered around Victoria. Joel and I followed Matt in his 1UZ-FE powered corolla down to the Oak Bay Marina to do some sight seeing, followed by a visit to Kuma Noodles for some cheap and authentic Ramen. We finished the evening off with some Flatland and revscene. Was a rad night. You can find more of Joel's Daily Vlog on his Channel Platform Garage Films.

Local Speed Heroes: Justin Robert
Capital drift has been around for 6 years now. Since 2008 drifting has been organized in Victoria. Many people, and I mean many people have come and gone. Passed through the speedway during our events, in some cases, very selfishly. There is one person who has never left us, he's been here since Capital Drift began. Most of these people who have passed through, and many of them who have stuck around may have never noticed him, a sign of a true cameraman! Justin Robert has been the least selfish person I know, the most dedicated to Capital Drift.
Local Speed Heros: The Duke of Sooke.
This is a post that should've been written many moons ago. Blinded by the dazzle, it's here now. Corey Bergerud is the epitome of idea of Speed Hero. It's important when I see the right person to point them out, and there's no one more I can think of that gets it. Whatever it is, if your searching for an example best to look to Corey.
Corollas, all day, all up in your business: Old ones, REAL OLD. Corey's an avid collector of vintage Toyota tin. He's the go-to...
Insert Cliche Dr. Frankenstein Impression Here
I was happy to be there for the inaugural run of Sea Dog Restall's Corolla. See anything interesting, aside from the body colour(s)? Just some shots to show that it really happened. Video would have been more impressive for showing "accidental" losses of traction and "purposeful" loss of hood.
Local Speed Heros: Dan
Legend has it, that when he came from Prince Edwards private island, that he brought the curse of the crab with him. Although legend also has it that he does not taste good with butter...something something potatoes. If Dan is the book I think I'm reading, then I really can't place a stereotype on his personality. I guess it's much like his car: Ratsun. The parallels are strikingly similar. Endless amounts of innocent inside jokes, and it takes a person who's got the right attitude about life to really get it,...