SPEED HERO Blog — Cars

Toga Party

With very few robes involved, we did do the drift party in the rain, sun and darkness. I'll admit James has surpassed me in awesome phototry. I tried my best, got some shots, as it was very different not being invovled in running the event, the Saratoga speedway event held by BentMafk was a success. The whole day went pretty smoothly, the only issue I had with the whole thing had nothing to do with the event, but rather the competitors. Being a long distance many...

Corolla 2, revenge of the tercel....?

As of recent I've been crazy busy planning a business trip overseas. That's correct, the guy that lives under the true definition of 'broke' is somehow planning on hitting Japan again. It takes a lot of organization to get to other places in the world for free, but well, it can be done. One of the cars I'm looking to see this time I'm over there is the little known Corolla 2, or more correctly Corolla II. This is a bit of a confusing car, I mean,...

Now that I'm Famous......

I'll be requesting green olives on my tooth picks no matter the occasion or use. Few years ago I was developing my obsession with World Cars; vehicles that can be easily used no matter their location in the world. This is more than an afternoon, but a lifetime of abuse and repair. I decided to design my own called the Litoria, oddly enough someone came knocking on my inbox this morning: Arunas from All...

Walk These Fragile Lines

It's like a sequel. There is some cellphone footage from today. Welcome to the world of tomorrow.

Not Discoquinn behind the wheel in this clip. I obviously need more seat time.


All's Well That Ends Wall.

B.C. Day, the day we celebrate our province by sliding cars sideways into immovable object. Yay Canada! Capital City Drift returned once more to Western Speedway to slay tires, joust walls and die honorable deaths. The turnout was immense, a lot of the Vancouver folks that have been painfully absent throughout the season rolled in to offer some serious competition. Luckily, the islands drifters aren't what they were a year ago. With folks like Myles Meyland, Grant Kozier, Brad Fisher and newcomer Josh Whitesomethingorother, the...