SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
So you think your all new school and badass? Think your one of the new few that can hold a nice slide beside your buddy? Well, drifting, and tandem is an old sport my friend.
Mountain Goats
Sturdy feet, coarse winter coat with a boxy utilitarian body. I was driving around in traffic today, and although seeing 3, count them 3! Dodge Rampages, I still decided I'd rather do a post about something else I saw today. Keeping my eyes open you'd be surprised how many there are in the the mash up of generic driveway ornaments and basic transportation. Low cost 4WD cars are all around us! There's defiantly some interesting ones that people are ignoring! I'm sure you've seen some...
How could I forget?!
The E7 loves continue with a lapse in my memory. How could one forget the wicked Griffith built E7 Corolla convertible! What most people don't know is that almost all convertibles made start their lives out as hardtops. Toyota and most other manufacturers do not built the convertibles in house but rather send them to 'coach' builders. The hardtop car shows up at companies such as American Sunroof Corperation, Griffith, etc, and they just hack the roof off, add some chassis braces and start bolting and gluing shit together. It's standard practice! Want to see more old Japanese coach built...
♥ E7
So you love your E7 Corolla do ya? Let's go through some basics with them! So what the hell does E7 mean anyway? Well, many of you awesome fanboys out there understand that the AE86 is a RWD corolla sold by Toyota, also known as Sprinter Trueno or Levin. I'm sure most of you know that those letters and numbers are the code for the frame of the car and actually have a specific meaning! A: Stands for the series of engine the car came with. In...
Tschüss GTI!
So you can't speak German eh? Neither can I, but that didn't stop me from watching Manta Manta, the movie. A reader and friend of mine pointed out that there is another Manta themed film!
Manta The Movie is a very similar and hilarious take on Manta drivers in '80s Germany!
The sweet widebody action continues with a 6 wheeled twist. Whole movie is located here!