SPEED HERO Blog — sr5
IDTAX, $10
Before moving out west, I had to get rid of my last ae86, you know the one I got for $10. Below is one of the worst cases of Initial D tax I've ever seen. I'm sure some of you have heard the story. I got this car for $10. A friend of a friend had his car backed into. The culprit left a vague note saying "I'll make this up to you". Some time later when returning home from work one day, there was another ae86...
We all want a new life Pt. 2
Hey, thanks for reading the first part about our trip...you know the one family told us was impossible to do...yeah that one. We didn't die, we're fine and enjoying life. "Hey Quinn! Got a corolla yet?" Yes....two. It's been just under a week and I've acquired two corollas already: a TE70 wagon with a blown 3TC and no transmission, as well as another rare '84 SR5. My first non-converted 5 speed Sr5!
Good deal, but...