SPEED HERO Blog — Racing Garage

Cheap Adjustable Seat Rails

Seems to be a bit of a myth, but we've built 3 cars with these rails now. Nothing fancy, but extremely sturdy. Not all of us can run out to the welder to have things made, nor do all of us have tons of high end fabrication tools. These seat rails mount sturdy and all you need is a cut off disc, or hacksaw, sockets and/or allen keys.   So where do we begin? Well, you'll need to grab your self some Super Strut rod, it's a construction...

The Corolla Parts Exchange Opens

Speed Hero has expanded. It's been a long term goal to become more involved in the community, beyond giving a hand wrenching on friends cars. Since moving to the island, I've spent a lot of my day trips rubbernecking at random interesting vehicles. This has become a large hobby of mine, so much so I carry pre-printed flyers that I leave on peoples cars and when I knock on doors. The goal is very simple. There are plenty of old Corollas still on the road all with...

Awareness 2

  So, you read that novel of basic vehicle dynamics with regards to handling and consideration with active driving technique? No? You better read that first before diving into this one. I'm not sure what this one is about, I guess I'll tell you at the end. These are written as a conscious stream, a flow of thoughts and ideas typed out for digestion. Last time we covered the idea of tire awareness; being able to observe, understand and dissect the actions of a vehicles tire...


[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Colorized tire footprint pressure distribution[/caption]
With the introduction of cut springs we begin our dive further into the complex concepts of suspension. There are numerous workings of suspension, but if you are ever in doubt, refer back to the tires. You may have clued into this long ago, or perhaps it's just crossing your conscience now, but tires are the only part of the car that touches the road. When racing, no matter the form, you must always...

Boner Jam Part 2: More Asbestos!

Photo dump to follow up Discoquinn's Boner Jams post. There will be some more pics, I ran into a bit of a computer issue that slowed the entire process down. [gallery] If any of the drivers are interested, large format prints can be made from any of these images for a small large fee.