Pairs upon piles of 5M's.

I can't fight it. I shouldn't fight it. I've just have a magnetism to 5M powered vehicles. Though it seems more often then not they seem to find me. My first 5m powered car was in the form of a free '81 Supra. This was a free donation from the owner, the only one in the bunch I never got to slide. More on the story of it in 'The Beginnings". This little duck is so far the only 5ME, I've owned. 81Supra The was a white automatic ghost...

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Careful -> expensive. 1976 Toyota Corona Mark 2 MX13 MX10 4ME

The Beginnings of something renewed.

Working hard, slaving away making someone else's dream a reality is a constant reminder I have my own. I like cars, just a whole heck of a lot. Stashing cash like a squirrel with nuts, hogging away washing cars like a kid saving for summer camp, I managed to scrape enough together to buy a Lexus.  A big boat of a car, 1UZFE powered SC400, it was a hope of an upgrade in social status. The plans? To build a 'Big Corolla'. The idea was simple: Keep...