SPEED HERO Blog — Drift Events

Drift What You Drive! DWYD July 19th, August 23rd

Firs two DWYB events for the year. July 19th, and August 23rd. Book them off now. Newbie friendly, good practice.    


Momentum is a dangerous good, It's often dealt without warning and creeps in from the back corner. Growth is that hard guy smoking in school, leather jacket, cool but rough and unpredictable. If you know what your doing, if approached correctly, the momentum of growth can be harnessed for productive purposes, improvement. But like any thing, when you stack more weight on an object, we hope it can bear the increased load. The local scene is now conflicted, with the sudden increase in popularity there is a...


It's been over 2 years living in Victoria. Operating, interacting with the world is quite different than it was when I first arrived.  The island itself hasn't changed much though, but how my everyday life goes on it, too it, has. Before making foot prints on this, for all the islanders know it, black and white soil, there was a strong scene here in Victoria. Looking back on the footage the driving was terrible, but...

The Bombs Bursting in Air

When I was first getting into drifting the idea of drifting anything RWD was obscure and silly. It was Corolla's, S chassis, FC's and the odd sedan. With the increase in popularity comes variety due to desperation. I was desperate for wheels just before our last event. Weeks, months? Earlier I had purchased an SC400. It was going to be my missile for the year. I was excited. I'm a massive 1uz fan having a little experience drifting one around it was a great opportunity to jump...


I know, I know, my photos are just absolutely the best. However I urge you to open your mind just for a bit to check out the huge variety of amazing shots from local Photographers. We had a tons of coverage from this last event, including a new film from Justin Robert! Enjoy! Ryan Drader http://www.flickr.com/photos/rdphoto2/sets/72157626797553032/ Duncan Hebenik http://dunkanh.wordpress.com/2011/05/28/ccd-round-2-may-23-2011/ Shandy Sanderson http://www.flickr.com/photos/driftmasium/ [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=albHFsx7nvo]