SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
I love Team MotorFix
A group of KE70 lovers, Team MotorFix is RAD AS FUCK. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifwZ4ORnLho]
Trolling Anal Pants
Wait....no I kinda mean that..... Troller Pantanal and the Troller T4 are variants of a vehicle I like. I'm not quite sure I believe in evolution, simply because at some point along the way, this:
Became this:
You see it's simple and easy to follow. American Bantam, which used to be American Austin, made a prototype which won the praise of the American army....
Speed Hero Japan, the Lost Tapes
It turns out that moving pictar technology has improved since the days of the zoetrope. That being said, head on over the Speed Hero's Youtube home to check out those rare moments when we remember to take the lens cap off. Who knows, we may even learn to edit video at some point. There are only a couple vids at this point including this long lost gem from the magical summer of 2009.
Be sure to comment, favorite and subscribe as you see fit. You can also troll, I love trolls.Sure I`d Love to See Your ``Studio``
This will be more of a shoutout and thank you then anything particularly car related. I want to thank the amazing folks at Olio Artists and Workers Co-operative. Joey MacDonald put on a fantastic 4 week screen printing workshop with the help of his girlfriend Amy. They packed a ton of information into a fairly short period of time. The whole experience was an immense amount of fun. If you are in the Victoria area or even just passing through make sure you check out whats going on at...
Holy Scrap!
Seriously, today was a weird day. I brought Robins Camera, I figured it would be good. I'm sorry I don't document every day with cars as much of them are interesting and fun, but I HAD to have the camera today. We were going to buy Rally spec AE86's!!!! "Sorry, I sold them to someone else." was the message we got when we were delayed departure this morning. EHHHH BAWLS. So on to plan B, Swifts??@!?!!?