SPEED HERO Blog — Automotive Life
Bee Awesome
I'm going Ape Crazy over this Piaggio. These things are super rad! Basically a 3 wheeled scooter, they were built as a way to get people moving goods cheap, and to stimulate a down economy fast! The Ape (err Ape is italian for Bee, figure that out) is cheap to build and shares common parts with most vintage scooters, so there's no worries for developing countries. Cool thing is? They are still in full production since their start in 1948. Plus they come in tons of configurations! Like this...
So your a gangster, born and raised. Hard as nails and all that jazz. Also that has nothing to do with the fact I'm sitting in my underwear, watching 'The Cat Returns' with Robin and the dog while browsing Yahoo Auctions. With cheers of "that's Awesome!" at the Suzuki Mighty Boys, I moved on to the Alto works, and eventually to the Alto's where I found this little gem. Looks pretty unassuming, and really, it is. 660cc turbo, front wheel drive, auto. Standard practice in the kei world....
2 Wycked
Let's set the record straight. Carl's car, from Aqua Teen Hunger force is not a 240sx, or an 'Iroc' like the ATHF wiki says. No, it's a Dodge Stealth.
Fallen Hero
A while back I made a post of one of the most influential drift cars to impact the world. The post: Before And After covered a car that affected me greatly. Kumakubo, the owner of Ebisu track, and D1 great's 180sx. It began life as a basic 180sx, but eventually evolved into a Sil80 truck. Truck conversions are not a new ground, but to the world, it was something very fresh and new in the drifting world. Being linked to someone so passionate about drifting, and...
I'm Just Going to Leave these Lying Here...
Speed Hero does not condone Photohop abuse...sometimes it just happens.
You may recognize the white E70 belonging to frequent commenter and deviant Warren (not UK), not to mention the rotting banana wagon.
Real posts are on there way.