Heavy Sound

I've been on a bit of a Brazilian kick, drifting and Japanese culture are still my favorites, but Brazil is coming up a pretty awesome second. Let's get this straight, I HATE car audio, but while browsing through videos and photos of VW Saveiro's these systems began popping up! These die hards are not fucking around! These are full Stadium speakers jammed in the beds of their various pick ups and hatch backs! At first I thought it was just a few guys screwing around, but there are seriously countless videos and huge selections of photos from these MASSIVE festivals full of vehicles modified with these insane systems! If anyone has any idea of the NAME of this style of tuning, please contact me! This is butt nuts!

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  • I was bloody MADE for this.

    • Needs More Speakers
  • […] Thanks to Kwik!Gti on VW Vortex for capturing this new Japanese subculture. Just like the, Heavy Sound post, these Dodge vans are something fresh and very new that seems to have some following, even if […]

    • Dajiban « Speed Hero